UNCACHED: The Boy Poems by Rod Smith

While the ZDWP was on its Spring hiatus, our genial custodian, “Uncle” Vanya, came into possession of a trove of small press treats and rarities. A lot of what he found there was entirely singular, and as such will stay on lack mountain in the ZDWP lounge-brary.

But not all. Among that trove are some partial print runs, hors commerce editions, and incomplete projects that can be completed with a little TLC from the ZDWP.

We have decided to create a second series of publications under the rubric UNCACHED, to release or re-release these items for the readers who will want them.

The first title to be UNCACHED is the first book of poems by Rod Smith, The Boy Poems, originally published in 1994. There were several copies of the book body, unbound and without covers, and a mock-up indicating the cover design. The files from which it was printed are presumably lost and gone forever. But we have created a new cover that faithfully echoes the original, and have bound an edition of 20 copies.

For poetry lovers who would like a copy of this long-unavailable first book from one of our all-time favorites, we are happy to make The Boy Poems available for $7.95, shipping included (U.S. only). Use the button below to order.